Products (Προϊόντα)

Σύστημα προγνωστικής συντήρησης στόλων

About the product:

The product primarily addresses the pressing needs of the Greek market, focusing on predictive maintenance for both existing and new electric fleets. These fleets are being rapidly adopted by various public and private entities, such as public transport, urban distribution, and electric car-sharing services. The acquisition of these fleets comes at a significant cost, and the expertise in their maintenance is limited within the country.

While tailored for the Greek market, this product boasts state-of-the-art qualities that make it stand out in the European and SE Mediterranean markets. It represents a comprehensive solution rooted in the deep understanding of fleet operations. Harnessing cutting-edge artificial intelligence algorithms, it enables the early detection and prediction of potential failures in public transport vehicles, ensuring safe and seamless passenger transportation.

The Role of Logistics in the Globalised. 5g tecnology concept

The system operates by leveraging data from telematics devices and IoT sensors installed on vehicles, combined with geographic and route information. Its strength lies in specially trained models and artificial intelligence technologies, which accurately forecast the likelihood and timing of failure occurrences (fault prediction). Moreover, it swiftly identifies ongoing or imminent failures (fault detection) and, whenever possible, pinpoints their origin (fault identification).

Upon generating insights from the models, the system sends notifications to the control center. This empowers driver support, aids in planning subsequent actions, and facilitates the maintenance of spare parts inventory.

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